Sunday, March 21, 2010


不晓得自己要些什么 , 有时会觉得未来好遥远... 遥不可及的感觉... 是因为那些小小的挫折吗?每一次都告诉自己要坚强, 要努力挨过... 甚至有时会把自己埋于功课或活动里不让自己想太多... 但有时还是会觉得很累 , 好想念家... 


突然好想打羽球哦~ 脑海里又冒出了在matriks时一大伙打羽球的快乐时光... 不禁让人感叹时间真的过的好快! matriks 实在留给我太多美好的回忆了... 好想念那里的朋友还有那里的一切一切... 一年的时间却足以让一班来至于不同地方的我们从陌生人变成无说不谈的好朋友... 真的好怀念~ 

Studio 让我看清很多事情... 有时候你所看到的未必是你所想象的那样... 很多事需要自己去体会,去了解才会明白的... 但是有些事却是相反的... 有时候了解了反而会发现一切根本不如自己想象中一样... 以为可以更了解 , 更明白 , 可是却把彼此的距离拉得更远 ... 事情总不如所愿 ...

明天又是星期一了~希望这个星期有 好的开始吧! 抒发了就该换个心情面对全新的一个星期吧...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

another busy week~

going to summarize my days in this week....

still a busy week to cope with... with the assignments and the club's stuff...
monday having 2nd round emcee audition.. was surprised when i received the message .. but it was a tougher job to deal with... was not performed well... but still enjoy the process la...

wednesday  went for blood donation ^u^... it was my 2nd time... at 1st i was not allowed to donate because i am under-weight.. but after dealing with the people in-charge there , finally i gt my turn to donate !!! yea~ haaha... 
Rix , KL & me...
then the days after that was busy with the studio's assignment... this project is a long-run project take us about 1 month duration... some more it is all about team work... team work has its own advantages and disadvantages... it can speed up our working process or the other way round... it is about the communication and team's members commitment.... it can tighthen up our relationship or make it worse... this is what i can observed throughout the process.. communication is the most important thing...

friday i was being issued as the emcee of the club's meeting.. i was so nervous.. but yet still have t do my best.. although had some imperfection perhaps still have chance to improve myself in the future... then having gotong-royong in the club... everyone was putting their effort to clean up our club's new house.. and after working for almost half day from 2pm to 7pm.. we have a new look of the club'c house ^u^
and lastly saturday... the day i like the most ~ can relax myself.. no more homework !!!
but this saturday was excluded... we had to go back to studio for some project refinement.. after that we are free~ yes!!! time for relax... shopping!!! went to Perangin Mall... window shopping cz we dont really felt like buy anything.. after that , went for steaks.. keeke... was so full...
another busy week had gone~ life is short i have to learn to enjoy and appreciate everything....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

week with all stuff 2gether...

finally it comes to Saturday... can relax d~

it was a week packed with activities and assignments... somemore having cough for almost 1 week d until stomach pain... should have visit to the clinic earlier...
many things happened in this week.. surprisingly being choosen as a secretary in a club... then busy for modeling project in the studio which is a very big model... 

tuesday having SS-9  , prom night for HBP... had a small singing performance with friends.. enjoy lots la.. most of the time was being used to take pictures la... and i m the only 1st year girl who doesnt make-up..lolx... having a pale face when take pictures... haha

the days after was busy with meetingssssss.....

i need SLEEP ~

and finally the big big model from the whole studio was done and submit!!! yes~ at least relieve bit...

went for MC audition... although didnt perform well la... but at least enjoy the whole process la... ^u^ it was fun... sometimes outcome is not the most important thing to care with but the process~

then went to pasar malam for 2 days.. haaha.. bought a short pant and a cute t-shirt .. ^u^ and of course ate a lots... yummy~ 

really a fully packed week... but enjoy the time with friends a lots.. fool and play together no matter when we are doing the model together or practise together... ^u^

and i finally can rest in the weekend .. love saturday so much ~