Wednesday, October 28, 2009

my so called study week...

Going to take my 1st exam in the univesity soon...
5 papers on 5 different days and different exam halls
how it going to be???

study week for 2 weeks
have a very nice study plan
study mood seems not appear... =.=
when the moment open the notes...
and wanted to study
 head felt like gong gong
eyes felt like very heavy...
told myself
"take it easy"
watch a movie & relax 1st
online chatting
or take a nap to regenerate my exhausted body
what a good excuse i had... *wink*

Life going more enjoyable & relax when i came back to my HOME SWEET HOME
woke up late
fooling around....

that's my study week...

started to felt nervous.. *_*
foundations , building materials , structure systems..... make me so gong
my gong-gongness increase
with the presence of the terms : gross output , value added , construction industry economics....etc
T.T who can help me???
so many miserable , unsolved questions.....

its time to kEep aWaY from those D!StRacTiON
FoCuS on my EXAM!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

STUDIO 101 结束了。。。我们每个人都得在最后一天present属于我们自己30秒的animation 。。

原本刚开始时真的很不想去做因为一直每idea..但那也只是自己的想法 , 功课还得做。。只好慢慢一步一步地做。。

终于找到了idea ,便加快了速度。。虽然还是得熬夜才赶完 而且不是称得上很完美, 但毕竟还是有那么一点点的成就感。。<( ̄︶ ̄)>

Presentation 开始了。。 心里满紧张的因为得在那么多人面前present.. 深怕自己会出糗。。

朋 友一个个上台present 了 , 心里更是紧张。。。终于到我了。。。谁知道那荧幕上竟显示我的Animation PowerPoint有问题没被received...天啊!我当天还特地去买CD将PowerPoint 放进去。。。谁知竟然不能用。。。 当时的我呆了一下 , 多亏台下的朋友叫我上台随便present , 只好上台说了几句,然后谢谢走下台。。。 心情当然是失落的 还有一点点不甘心, 毕竟费了几个晚上来完成 。。 那交了又改, 改了又交的过程可说是白白浪费了。。一切似乎是白做的。。╮(﹀_﹀")╭


失落的心情还是得调整回的。。 。